CPUL Methods

A Continuous Productive Urban Landscape (CPUL) is an urban green infrastructure that connects food-producing sites of different scales and operations with green open spaces throughout cities and towns. CPUL provides a comprehensive and interconnected approach to urban agriculture that considers the multiple benefits it can bring to the urban environment. By integrating food production into the urban fabric, CPULs not only improve food security and access to fresh, locally-grown produce, but also provide additional benefits such as increased biodiversity, improved air and water quality, and increased recreation opportunities. In addition, CPULs can provide economic benefits to the local community by supporting local agriculture and creating job opportunities in food production, distribution, and sales.  

Furthermore, CPULs can help to bridge the gap between urban and rural landscapes, connecting urban residents with the rural landscape and promoting a better understanding of food production and the role it plays in sustaining communities. The integration of food production into the urban environment also helps to reduce the environmental footprint of food production by reducing the need for long-distance transportation and minimizing the use of pesticides and other harmful chemicals.  

In conclusion, the CPUL concept offers a visionary approach to urban agriculture that provides a framework for integrating food production into the urban environment in a sustainable and economically viable manner. It has the potential to bring multiple benefits to urban communities and to help build a more sustainable future.